We offer Chinese translation for consultations and treatment plans.

Welcome to Our Practice
Full Face Orthodontics provides specialised orthodontic care for children, teens and adults. Our practice is welcoming, friendly and fun, and we treat our patients in a caring, professional, and gentle manner. We use the newest, advanced orthodontic techniques to achieve lasting, beautiful smiles for our patients.
Orthodontics is a specialty science and a field that is unique in healthcare. It is a science that requires specialty training but also requires creativity in achieving excellent results.

Dr Derek Mahony's Philosophy
Registered Orthodontist (Derek Mahony is a world renowned Registered Specialist Orthodontist and expert in Dentofacial Orthopaedics who has trained thousands of dentists.)
BDS (Syd), MScOrth (Lon), DOrthRCS (Edin), MDOrthRCPS (Glas), MOrthRCS (Eng), FRCD (Can), MOrth RCS (Edin), FICD, IBO, FACD, FICCDE, FIADFE, FPFA, Grad Dip Dental Sleep Medicine (WA), Grad Dip Dent (Ortho)
Derek Mahony is a world renowned Registered Specialist Orthodontist and expert in Dentofacial Orthopaedics who has trained thousands of dentists.
Early orthodontic intervention can minimise the unnecessary extraction of teeth, with a focus on improving the airway and the facial profile.
Dr Derek Mahony
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