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Healthy Start
An estimated nine out of ten children suffer from one or more symptoms related to Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB).
– JAOS, Bergersen / Stevens
These children may experience a wide range of debilitating
SDB- related health disorders, such as:
Lower IQ
Chronic Allergies
Aggressive Behavior
Mouth Breathing
Swollen Adenoids & Tonsils
Daytime Drowsiness
Crooked Teeth
Restless Sleep
Dark Circles Under the Eyes
Frequent Headaches
Arrested Growth
Low Grades in Maths, Science, & Spelling

TheHealthyStart® System is an oral appliance therapy that promotes natural growth and development, which addresses the root causes of SDB. Research has shown that SDB-induced oxygen deprivation is a major contributing factor to the childhood health disorders shown above.
The HealthyStart® System has been specifically designed to promote the proper growth and development of the jaw and airway to optimize airflow and promote proper nasal breathing while straightening your child's teeth. As these areas develop many of the symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing disappear.
Many kids with the above health disorders are being "treated" with powerful drugs without evaluating a possible root cause. Our dental professionals can evaluate your child and indicate if there is a breathing and sleeping issue.

Healthy Start not only addresses the root cause of Sleep Disorder Breathing it simultaneously straightens your child's teeth without braces.Best of all, when treatment begins early, the perfect smiles that theHealthyStart® Appliance System creates are less likely to relapse!
HealthyStart® creates healthier, happier kids who can breathe. Rarely has there ever been a single appliance or system with the power to impact your child's health in so many positive ways. As a parent, you owe it to your child to give them every chance to succeed. Call today for more information on how to help children achieve their full potential.

Every Child Deserves a Healthy Start!
HealthyStart® Appliances are FDA Cleared, BPA, Silicone and Latex Free, ISO Certified, and a Health Canada Class II Medical-Grade Device.
Treatment with the HealthyStart® Appliance System promotes natural growth and development. HealthyStart® is non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical, pain-free and non-invasive therapy, is soft, comfortable and worn at night (or as directed) to assist parents who struggle with children affected by Sleep-Related Breathing Disorder, a restricted airway and crowded or crooked teeth.

About Dr. Mahony
Dr. Derek Mahony, Orthodontist
Specialist in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
BDS (Syd), MScOrth (Lon), DOrthRCS (Edin), MDOrthRCPS (Glas), MOrthRCS (Eng), FRCD (Can), MOrth RCS (Edin), FICD, IBO, FACD, FICCDE, FIADFE, FPFA, Grad Dip Dental Sleep Medicine (WA), Grad Dip Dent (Ortho)
Diplomate of the International Board of Orthodontics

Derek Mahony is a Sydney based Orthodontist who has spoken to thousands of practitioners about the benefits of interceptive orthodontic treatment. Early in his career Dr. Mahony learned from leading clinicians the dramatic effect functional appliance therapy can afford patients in orthodontic treatment. He has been combining the fixed and functional appliance approach ever since. His lectures are based on the positive impact such a combined treatment approach has had on his orthodontic results and the benefits this philosophy provides in reducing extractions of teeth.
After completing his Dental Degree at the University of Sydney Dr. Mahony proceeded to the United Kingdom where he completed his Masters Degree in Orthodontics at the Eastman Dental Hospital, Institute of Dental Surgery, London.
Further studies led to the successful completion of a Diploma in Orthodontics at the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Dr. Mahony has also passed the Royal College of Dentists in Canada post graduate examination in the field of Orthodontics.
Dr. Mahony has passed examinations leading to a postgraduate qualification in Dentofacial Orthopedics from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Glasgow. He has also attained his Membership in Orthodontics qualification from the Royal College of Surgeons, England.
Dr. Mahony currently has over 3000 orthodontic patients in active treatment and has been a key note speaker at the International Orthodontic Summit meetings, the International Association of Orthodontics meetings, and the American Association of Functional Orthodontics meetings.
Dr. Mahony approaches his orthodontic diagnosis from a "facial profile" point of view. He sets his treatment goals to create not just straight teeth, but beautiful faces and healthy temporomandibular joints.
Dr. Mahony is a contributing editor to the Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, International Orthodontic Journal and Spanish Journal of Dentofacial Orthopedics.